
  • Clone the Nucleus Co-Op repositry from here. GitHub Desktop is a convenient way to do this. Make sure you are using the correct branch.

  • Run the git command git submodule update --init --recursive in the root of the repository to download all submodules.

  • Open Submodules\ProtoInput\src\ProtoInput\ProtoInput.sln in Visual Studio, and go to Build -> Batch Build and select these options (basically everything in Release x86 and x64, except Proto Input Host x64)

Proto Input Batch Build

  • Click Build and be prepared to wait a while

  • The Submodules\ProtoInput\src\ProtoInput\Release folder should now look like

Proto Input compiled

  • Now open Master\NucleusCoop.sln, and go to Build -> Batch Build, then select:

Nucleus Batch Build

  • Click Build and be prepared to wait significantly less time than before.

  • The output files will be in Master\NucleusCoopTool\bin\Release

  • Note that if you change Proto Input, the files will only be copied upon a **rebuild** of the Nucleus.Coop project.